Himalayan Motorcycle Adventure


Himalayan Motorcycle Adventure

“Our lands are so barren and our passes so high, that only the best of friends and the fiercest of enemies come to visit us” An old Ladakhi saying.

A chance meeting in the forests of Australia between Aussie motorcycle adventurer Dave Darcy and his Indian counterpart Nosh Mistry leads to a trip of a lifetime exploring far northern India with friends.

They leave the homicidal traffic in Delhi behind and weave their way through the Himalayas towards China. En route they find stunning mountain desert scenery with mouth-watering trails made for adventure. Here the mountain goddess Kalimata plays havoc with their plans and they realise the need to pay homage to her before continuing their journey.

The effects of high altitude on the bikes and the group become apparent as they head toward the world heritage listed city of Leh, which has huge cultural significance for the Indian riders in particular.

This quirky film provides a unique insight into far northern India, its people and culture whilst documenting the highs and lows of a group brought together by their love of motorcycle adventuring.

More films:

David Darcy




68 mins


Bright Australia 2020, Film, film, film, Fremantle Australia 2020, Scotland 2019


Asia, Himalayas, motorbike, mountains